Here, kindness is more than a habit; it’s our purpose. 


With our door and our heart open to Lisbon, Wel Well Center is ready for you. We are an oasis of tranquility and a safe haven to all passersby in the town. 

Everything started when Adriana Bechara, a Brazilian journalist who held executive positions in magazines such as Vogue and Glamour, embarked with her family on a trip around the world. Visiting iconic locations such as New York, Honolulu, Tokyo, Bali and Doha, Adriana entered Europe through Greece and finished her itinerary in Lisbon. Then and there she fell in love with the Portuguese capital that, today, is her home.

Throughout this transformative journey, the journalist experimented many travel styles and ended up noticing an opportunity in the Portuguese tourism market. Thus, Wel Well was created: a space to welcome travelers with various services aimed at the hospitality market. However, the plans to open the center at 2020 were delayed due to the COVID-19 health crisis, that (temporarily) demagnetized our compass. This troubled period of time was used to rethink, reflect and to find new paths and ways to embrace the people that live and visit Lisbon.

Finally, after six long months of introspection and reformulation, our passport was stamped at the charming neighborhood of Príncipe Real, right by the iconic Praça das Flores. Wel Well was inaugurated with services adapted to the new international scenario, without so much emphasis on tourism — but don’t worry, as soon as possible we will be reclaiming our wandering soul.

But after all, how is Wel Well working currently? Today, we are open as a gourmet market, but also as a cool and chic store and a delicious café. Three different ways of welcoming those who pass by Lisbon, always with a warm smile on our faces. At our center, the world and its frenetic rhythm and demands stay outside the door.

That’s why we always say: don’t worry, be welcome!


Street Marcos Portugal, 18a
Lisbon, Portugal - 1200-258
+351 927 466 804


Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 10pm
Sundays: 10am to 4pm
(( don’t worry, be welcome ))